Command line parameter support
DVDVob2Mpg 1.0 supports (and has always supported) command line parameters. Sorry that I did not post this information yet. Frankly, I had completely forgotten about it. Something about being too busy I guess …
Let me get straight to the point:
/i:[input VOB file]
For instance: dvdvob2mpg.exe /i:c\folder\movie.VOB
/o:[resulting MPG file]
This parameters is optional. If you don’t provide it the software will create a name automatically by simply adding “.mpg”.
For instance: dvdvob2mpg.exe /i:c\folder\movie.VOB /o:c\folder\movie.MPG
Do the deed, start the conversion automatically.
For instance: dvdvob2mpg.exe /i:c\folder\movie.VOB /o:c\folder\movie.MPG /run
Close the program automatically (after it did what you asked it to do, e.g. convert a VOB file)
For instance: dvdvob2mpg.exe /i:c\folder\movie.VOB /o:c\folder\movie.MPG /run /c
No Prompt when the resulting file already exists. YES to overwrite the file
No Prompt when the resulting file already exists. NO to overwrite the file
[Changes and additional commands in DVDVob2Mpg 2.0 and higher]
/i:[input VOB file1] | [input VOB file2]
Multiple input files can be provided. Separate them with “|”
/o:[resulting MPG file1] | [resulting MPG file1]
Multiple output (mpg) files can be provided. Separate them with “|”
Checks the Checkbox so that extraction to one single file is enabled. If more than one input files are provided on the command line, setting this parameter will ensure that all files are converted into one single file.
That’s it !
Edited this article March 24th, 2014, to include the changes for version 2.0
DVDVob2Mpg program solved my problem in converting eight VRO DVD recorded by panasonic dvd recorder 5 years age .
24 Gb of VRO files successfully converted to another format
Great Program
Thank you!
(An *old* isobuster customer)
I’ve created a handy batch command "iso2mpg.bat", which will mount an ISO file (using the free Alcohol 52%), and then merge all VOB files into a single MPG (using DvdVob2Mpg of course) . Find it below & feel free modify it for your own uses:
@echo off
rem Change V: to the drive letter you use with the free Alcohol 52% program.
rem The skip=1 below causes it to skip the first VOB file (which for my DVD recorder is the menu), so remove that part if you want all VOB files.
Echo Mounting "%~nx1"
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Alcohol Soft\Alcohol 52\AxCmd.exe" V: /M:"%~f1"
Echo Writing "%~n1.mpg"
Set iso2mpgPath="%~dpn1.mpg"
rem Perform "C:\Program Files (x86)\Smart Projects\DVDVob2Mpg\dvdvob2mpg.exe" /i:"V:\VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_1.VOB|..." /o:%iso2mpgPath% /1 /run /c
@set <nul >iso2mpg_temp.bat /p dummy=""C:\Program Files (x86)\Smart Projects\DVDVob2Mpg\dvdvob2mpg.exe" /i:""
For /F "skip=1 delims=*" %%A in ('Dir "V:\VIDEO_TS\*.vob" /B /ON') do @set <nul /p dummy="V:\VIDEO_TS\%%A|">>iso2mpg_temp.bat
Set iso2mpgPath=%iso2mpgPath:^=^^%
Set iso2mpgPath=%iso2mpgPath:\=^\%
Set iso2mpgPath=%iso2mpgPath:|=^|%
Set iso2mpgPath=%iso2mpgPath:>=^>%
Set iso2mpgPath=%iso2mpgPath:<=^<%
Echo>>iso2mpg_temp.bat " /o:%iso2mpgPath:&=^&% /1 /run /c
Set iso2mpgPath=
Call iso2mpg_temp.bat
Erase iso2mpg_temp.bat
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Alcohol Soft\Alcohol 52\AxCmd.exe" V: /U
USAGE EXAMPLE. To convert the single ISO file "C:\Users\USERNAME\Videos\Holiday2016.iso" to an MPG file, use the following command:
iso2mpg.bat "C:\Users\USERNAME\Videos\Holiday2016.iso"
Or for advanced users, if iso2mpg.bat is in your command path, then this also works just fine:
CD "C:\Users\USERNAME\Videos"
iso2mpg.bat "Holiday2016.iso"
NOTE: BEWARE that the free Alcohol 52% always included optional junkware (which you could untick while installing it), but the latest versions force you to install the Smart File Advisor junkware & won't work if you uninstall it. I therefore recommend the following old version of Alcohol 52%, which works just fine, and I've verified it matches the official version that I downloaded years ago:
I’ve also created the batch command "isoFolder2mpg.bat", which will convert all ISO files in a folder to MPG files:
@echo off
For /F "delims=*" %%A in ('Dir "%~1\*.iso" /B /ON') do Call iso2mpg.bat "%~1\%%A"
USAGE EXAMPLE. To convert all ISO files in the "C:\Users\USERNAME\Videos" folder to MPG files, just use the following command:
isoFolder2mpg.bat "C:\Users\USERNAME\Videos"
NOTE: This obviously command obviously requires the earlier "iso2mpg.bat" command to work.
I have updated "iso2mpg.bat" to use WinCDEmu, as I upgraded to Windows 10, and found the old Alcohol 52% does not work. I switched to the completely free (and open-source) WinCDEmu instead.
@echo off
rem This uses the V: drive letter with the free & open-source WinCDEmu program.
rem The skip=1 below causes it to skip the first VOB file (which for my DVD recorder is the menu), so remove that part if you want all VOB files.
Set iso2mpgPath="%~dpn1.mpg"
IF EXIST %iso2mpgPath% (
ECHO SKIPPING "%~n1.mpg"
GOTO :AlreadyExists
Echo Mounting "%~nx1"
"C:\Program Files (x86)\WinCDEmu\batchmnt.exe" "%~f1" V /wait >NUL
Echo Writing "%~n1.mpg"
rem Perform "C:\Program Files (x86)\Smart Projects\DVDVob2Mpg\dvdvob2mpg.exe" /i:"V:\VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_1.VOB|..." /o:%iso2mpgPath% /1 /run /c
@set <nul >iso2mpg_temp.bat /p dummy=""C:\Program Files (x86)\Smart Projects\DVDVob2Mpg\dvdvob2mpg.exe" /i:""
For /F "skip=1 delims=*" %%A in ('Dir "V:\VIDEO_TS\*.vob" /B /ON') do @set <nul /p dummy="V:\VIDEO_TS\%%A|">>iso2mpg_temp.bat
Set iso2mpgPath=%iso2mpgPath:^=^^%
Set iso2mpgPath=%iso2mpgPath:\=^\%
Set iso2mpgPath=%iso2mpgPath:|=^|%
Set iso2mpgPath=%iso2mpgPath:>=^>%
Set iso2mpgPath=%iso2mpgPath:<=^<%
Echo>>iso2mpg_temp.bat " /o:%iso2mpgPath:&=^&% /1 /run /c
Echo>>iso2mpg_temp.bat Exit
Start /LOW /WAIT /MIN iso2mpg_temp.bat
Erase iso2mpg_temp.bat
Choice /T 1 /C w /D w >NUL
"C:\Program Files (x86)\WinCDEmu\batchmnt.exe" /unmount V: >NUL
Set iso2mpgPath=
You can get WinCDEmu from here:
Improvements over the last version of iso2mpg.bat:
1. One big benefit of WinCDEmu is that iso2mpg.bat can tell it which drive letter to use, so you don’t need to manually create a virtual V drive anymore.
2. It will avoid overwriting a .mpg file if one already exists. Useful when used with iso2mpgFolder.bat .
3. It runs DVDVob2Mpg at a low priority, so your PC is less likely to become unusable while it is running.
4. It waits 1 second before unmounting the .iso image, to reduce the chances it can’t unmount because DVDVob2Mpg hasn’t finished releasing the drive. (Which otherwise leads to an annoying but harmless error message.)
I have updated "iso2mpg.bat" to use the free Virtual CloneDrive, as I found that WinCDEmu didn’t work reliably with Windows 10. Unfortunately Virtual CloneDrive is a bit more fiddly to set-up, as you need to use “Disk Management” to “Change Drive Letter” of one of it’s virtual drives to V: (more detailed instructions given at the top of the batch file itself).
@echo off
rem This uses the V: drive letter with the free Virtual CloneDrive program.
rem If you don't have a V: drive, then you need to press Win+R, run "diskmgmt.msc" (without quotes), right-click on an existing Virtual drive, and "Change Drive Letter" to V:.
rem The skip=1 below causes it to skip the first VOB file (which for my DVD recorder is the menu), so remove that part if you want all VOB files.
Set iso2mpgPath="%~dpn1.mpg"
IF EXIST %iso2mpgPath% (
ECHO SKIPPING "%~n1.mpg"
GOTO :AlreadyExists
Echo Mounting "%~nx1"
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Elaborate Bytes\VirtualCloneDrive\VCDMount.exe" /l=V "%~f1"
Choice /T 1 /C w /D w >NUL
Echo Writing "%~n1.mpg"
rem Perform "C:\Program Files (x86)\Smart Projects\DVDVob2Mpg\dvdvob2mpg.exe" /i:"V:\VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_1.VOB|..." /o:%iso2mpgPath% /1 /run /c
@set <nul >iso2mpg_temp.bat /p dummy=""C:\Program Files (x86)\Smart Projects\DVDVob2Mpg\dvdvob2mpg.exe" /i:""
For /F "skip=1 delims=*" %%A in ('Dir "V:\VIDEO_TS\*.vob" /B /ON') do @set <nul /p dummy="V:\VIDEO_TS\%%A|">>iso2mpg_temp.bat
Set iso2mpgPath=%iso2mpgPath:^=^^%
Set iso2mpgPath=%iso2mpgPath:\=^\%
Set iso2mpgPath=%iso2mpgPath:|=^|%
Set iso2mpgPath=%iso2mpgPath:>=^>%
Set iso2mpgPath=%iso2mpgPath:<=^<%
Echo>>iso2mpg_temp.bat " /o:%iso2mpgPath:&=^&% /1 /run /c
Echo>>iso2mpg_temp.bat Exit
Start /LOW /WAIT /MIN iso2mpg_temp.bat
Erase iso2mpg_temp.bat
Choice /T 1 /C w /D w >NUL
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Elaborate Bytes\VirtualCloneDrive\VCDMount.exe" /l=V /u
Choice /T 1 /C w /D w >NUL
Set iso2mpgPath=
You can get Virtual CloneDrive from here:
Hi Chris H,
this is great stuff, thank you so much!!!
I used your ideas in the batch to solve some problems…
Thank you!!